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As you may (or may not) know, the High Plains Regional Rendezvous (HPRR) rotates between its five member states: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas. A typical rendezvous draws from 130 to 250 camps; participants come from across the United States.

The reason folks travel to attend the week-long HPRR is that it is a strictly pre-1840, primitive rendezvous. It's a learning rendezvous, with seminars on primitive skills and crafts throughout the week. In addition, there is always lots of competition: shooting, hawk and knife, trail walk, quail walk, highland games and water games to name a few. The HPRR is a "closed" rendezvous, with only 1 public day. The rest of the week is pure, uninterrupted history come to life. The ten-day event is usually held near the end of June.

Your State's Turn Is Coming Up!

The Board of Directors is actively soliciting Booshway candidates to bid on upcoming Rendezvous. Candidates bid for 2 years ahead; i.e. at the 2012 event, they bid for 2014 rendezvous. First priority is given to bids from the state first in the rotation (see below) but should there be no candidate from that state, other candidates are considered. Currently the rotation is:



2025  Bidding

2027  Rendezvous


2026  Bidding

2028  Rendezvous


2022  Bidding

2024  Rendezvous

North Dakota

2023  Bidding

2025  Rendezvous

South Dakota

2024  Bidding

2026  Rendezvous


Here's the Bidding Process

It begins with an individual putting together a site, support staff and great plans. He first meets with the Chief's Council (the past Booshways). The council reviews the proposal, and works with the candidate to strengthen weak spots and to anticipate problems or questions. Next the candidates are nominated during a camp meeting. The following two days the candidates campaign to win the bid. Then the formal vote is cast by the camp (usually on Thursday).

The elected Booshway is supplied with seed money prior to the rendezvous. The amount is determined by the bylaws and the board, depending on the needs of that rendezvous. From that money, the Booshway and his staff are reimbursed for certain direct expenses including advertising, printing, medallions, building supplies, phone calls, gas to and from the site, and others. It's certainly not an opportunity to get rich, but instead a way to minimize out-of-pocket expenses for the Booshway and his staff.

What's Needed To Make A Bid?

A bid consists of three components: a Booshway, a site, and support staff. Here are some guidelines on what makes a successful bid:

  • BOOSHWAY: a leader well versed in primitive rendezvous, with some experience in organizing services and activities for large groups of buck- skinners; a coach, a mediator, an enforcer, a carpenter, a public relations expert, a landscaper, a plumber and more. We don't ask much.

  • SITE: capable of handling 100 to 300 primitive camps; reasonably accessible; with water, wood and hooters or ways to supply them. Must have short and long term camps, trader’s row; can have modern camp (tin tipis) but not required.

  • STAFF: A smart Booshway surround themselves with people who are experts in areas where they are not. Staff positions can include a Segundo (asst. Booshway), scribe (secretary), purser (treasurer), range officer, dog soldier, hawk and knife range officer, primitive archery, kids games, seminars, and more.

Sounds Tough — Why Do I Want It?

Well...When you, as Booshway, see a small city — suddenly erupt from a cow pasture, complete with commerce and kids at play...When folks complain that they aren't getting enough sleep because they are having too much fun...The quick handshake as buckskinners are leaving and a heartfelt "Good job" or "I'll be back next time"'s all worthwhile. And besides, you'll join a very elite group of individuals who have been as crazy as you to take on this task!

I Am Ready! Who Do I Talk To?

Please contact a board member or chief's council member to set-up a meeting with the Chief's Council at the next rendezvous. If you have any other questions about bidding, please contact one of the Board Members or Cheif's Council Members.

You should also plan on attending our annual meeting at the Nebraska State Muzzleloading Convention in Kearney, NE. It is usually held on the third weekend in January.

Do you have what it takes?: About


Check out a few of the last High Plains Regional Rendezvous


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Do you have what it takes?: Past Events
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